
The Polish Folkdance Ensemble "Rudki" was assembled in September 1979 on the initiative of the director of the then Zespol Szkol Elektro-Mechanicznych Electro-Mechanical School in Rzeszów, Zdzisław Bocheński. Musical care over the ensemble was taken by Stanisław Szabat, while Andrzej Pieniążek was the choreographer. An invaluable role in acquiring the first costumes was played by the former director of the Ognisko Pracy Pozaszkolnej, Dariusz Fijałkowski, played an invaluable role in obtaining the first costumes. In 1984, the staff was joined by Lucyna Bieńko and Lesław Poźniak, who remained with the group until 1998. remained with the ensemble until 1998. In 1985, Lidia Poźniak began working as a choreographer. She also held the position of artistic director artistic director and remained with the ensemble until the end of its first period. Her assistant was Jan Rogala, and for the accompaniment were responsible for the accompaniment: Halina and Robert Horodecki.

Since 1982, the ensemble has regularly performed on Polish stages and won numerous titles and awards:

  • • All-Poland Scouting Festival "Kielce-82"
  • • Bydgoszcz Musical Impressions "Bydgoszcz-83"
  • • All-Poland Artistic Meetings of Polish Youth "Gryfiada-84"
  • • Scouts' Festival of School Youth Culture "Kielce-88"
  • • All-Poland National Dance Review "Mazur-91"
  • • Provincial Festival of School Artistic Ensembles "O Laur Rzecha 1998"
  • • All-Polish National Dance Review "Lubaczów 99"
  • • Festival of Folk Groups "O Laur Rzecha", Dębica 1999.

The ensemble also made numerous trips abroad during this period to: Belgium, Finland, France, West Germany, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.


A new page in the history of the Polish Folkdance Ensemble "Rudki" has been written since October 2011. At that time, on the initiative of the authorities of the City of Rzeszów, its activities were resumed. Patronage over the ensemble was taken by the Youth Cultural Centre, and now the Youth Centre in Rzeszów. Today's "Rudki" is an ensemble with a completely new, original artistic programme artistic programme. In October 2011, Tomasz Rożek became the group's choreographer and Krzysztof Kubala became its musical director.

They were then joined by Miroslaw Wysokinski. In the 2016/2017 school year, the dance classes were led by Maria Haba, and since 2018 Bogdan Janik has been working with the group. In 2019, children's dance groups were formed. To the staff of the Ensemble was then joined by Jakub Kogut and Ryszard Hołubowski.

In 2022, a chamber orchestra was formed as part of the ensemble, led by by Veronika Sura. The cooperation of institutions and many people has made it possible to give the "Rudki" a unique character by combining tradition with modernity. The ensemble's programme consists of suites and dance pictures from many ethnographic regions, as well as all Polish national dances. In addition, the ensemble's repertoire is enriched by musical arrangements and vocal-instrumental arrangements.

In addition to its concert activities, the ensemble takes part in many thematic and charitable actions. In addition, it participates in international folklore festivals and dance projects, winning the appreciation of the audience. During the last years of their activity, "Rudki" have given concerts in: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary and Italy.

The ensemble of nearly 150 people currently has four youth groups dance groups, three children's groups and a chamber orchestra.